Monday 25 August 2014

KFH - A comic

Good evening boys and girls and ladies and gentlemen and frogs and herbs.

Wait. What.

I know that I have not written anything for more than a week, but you must keep in mind that I'm a forgetful buffoon and making commitments is a very big challenge for me. I find it difficult to stick to things, which is why I can never have a favourite song, or a book, for more than a week. Or even a favourite colour. (Currently it is navy blue. Keep that in mind.)

(Quick, unrelated note - My blog hit more than 3,500 views a few weeks ago! Butterbeer all around! Also, FOLLOW the blog. SUBSCRIBE to it. I will love you for it.) 

Anyway, I shall now be regular in my posts, and blog on like a good blogress.

Hehehe. Moving on. 

I have missed approximately a gazillion days of school, because I went to visit my sister at her college, and I shall miss another gazillion days next week, when I leave for Spain. The point of this is that I feel pretty disconnected with a lot of my classmates, which, as you would rightly guess, sucks. However, there are certain people I'm glad I haven't met in a lot of days.

Like this kid. In my bus.

I hate that kid. I like to believe that he was put on the Earth to make life difficult for me. Let me illustrate via an accurately drawn comic strip. 

Wild kid appears out of nowhere. Kid wasn't in my bus yesterday, and he suddenly apparates out of thin air. Why/how? I'm still busy learning the Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, while simultaneously trying to figure out when this random kid got on my bus, when I hear a terrible noise. What could it possibly be? I realize it is coming from the Kid From Hell. (KFH)

KFH starts singing this song, called I'm a disco dancer at the top of his voice. He's not even singing the correct tune. He's just saying the words loudly to whatever tune he wants. Excellent. I stare at him  aghast. Surely this isn't normal behaviour? I was so cute and innocent as a kid. I just ate mud occasionally and went for nature walks with Izzy to find fairies and that sort of stuff. Why was this crazy kid singing so loudly into my ear? 

But aha, the crazy behavior does not end there. Everybody has a super power, right? Mine is obviously, being careless and procrastinating. KFH had one too. What was it? What could it be? I found out the hard way. 

This is what I, as a rational person, said - 

This is what KFH did - 

Kid starts frothing at the mouth, and I freak out. Does the kid have rabies or something? Shit, what the hell do I do know? Why did I drop Bio? What the hell was I supposed to do why was this kid frothing at the mouth omgomgogmogm.

Suddenly, all my prayers were answered. I put two and two together. I realized what was happening next. 

Basically, the kid spat on me. To make a long story short. That's what he does everyday. He sings loudly, when we tell him to shut up, he starts getting ready to spit on us, and we run away from him in fear. 

(This is not the first time I got bullied by a kid three heads shorter than me. A year ago, there was this kid who used to routinely hit me and/or bite me in the bus. I like to believe that he is related to KFH in ways more than one.)

To sum up, 
The End. 

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