Thursday 25 September 2014

Barcelona Diaries Minus The Barcelona Bit

Chums and chumettes! It is currently..well..I have no idea what time it is. I am currently on a flight from Zurich to Barcelona. According to the screen in front of me, I am 350 miles away from my desired destination. Time till destination is 51 minutes.

Glad we sorted that out.

Anyway, since morning I’ve had a buttered bun, a glass of coke, a double cheese burger with a coke, half of a footlong sandwhich with a glass of coke, and I just had a salami (maybe it was ham?) and cheese sandwich. With of course, a glass of coke. The point is this; I have a bottomless pit for a stomach.

Anyway we’re flying over some mountains right now, not sure which, Geography was never my strong suit, and it looks really pretty.

I’m kind of bummed that I won’t get to celebrate my birthday (in four days time) at home, but then I think about the possibility of running into David De Gea in the streets of Barcelona and it calms me down.

Hold on. They’re handing out those little chocolates on board. (I had specially taken a picture of the chocolate and I was all Imma be the best blogger ever with pictures and all yayayayay but I lost my memory card)

Yum yum yum.

Nothing much to write about now. The only unusual incident that has happened in the past couple of hours is that I have gone more than 12 hours without using any wifi, which is a very big achievement. Not just for me. For humanity.

Okay. I’m going to watch Mean Girls now.

Two Days Later

Esteemed chums and chumettes. I just had two mini cupcakes. I can’t stop eating those things. They’re yummaliciously yum with just a hint of yumminess.

Today was so exhausting. We hopped on this hop on hop off bus, with those little guided audio tours, where you put on those headphones and a British lady’s voice tells you everything about the city - and I’m telling you, if I EVER have to hear that guide’s voice again, I’ll scream. And possibly hit her.

At every damn stop, she reminded us that we could refund our 20% off discount coupon at the nearest shops. I became so annoyed with the tour, I watched 500 days of summer instead of listening to the tour. As my father rightly said, “I don’t know my own city as well as I know about Barcelona’s discount copouns.”

Touché, sir. Touché.

A month later

A MONTH has it really been that long?! I know, I know, I was all oh my God I'm going to post fifty times a day now I'll never ever disappear again teehee and then I vanished for an entire month. I don't even know if I have any readers left by now, but if you're reading, I love you, and I'm not even kidding.

Anyway, I couldn't post because I had to, well, study what with being in the 11th grade and all that nonsense. Exams really are rather inconvenient, disturbing my blogging and what not. Anyway I have just two more exams left, and one of them is English, so I'm sort of practicing writing, eh? Okay, I'll keep telling myself that.

THE POINT IS THAT the following has happened in the past few weeks

- I went to Spain
- I came back from Spain
- I turned  16 in between all that
- Sims 3 has been replaced by Zoo Tycoon 2. Life = Bliss.

I thought that I'd write a little bit about my trip everyday, and then compile it all at the ending with all the pictures I had taken but that plan failed because

(a) I forgot to write
(b) I forgot to take pictures

Ah, obstacles. How I hate them. Anyway it's one thirty in the morning right now and my room is colder than Antarctica, and I'm unwell also, because after sleeping for about 3 hours before my Economics exam, I came home and (instead of sleeping) watched The Fault In Our Stars so naturally I had a splitting headache from crying, and then instead of sleeping I put on approximately 45-inches heels and went for Tall-y's birthday party, and by the time I came back I was, well, dead-ish. 

Anyway this was a pretty random and nonsensical post, but I just wanted to say I'm back for good, and even if I might disappear for a few days (to study The Subject of Doom-ness, also known as Physics by some) I'll post for sure on the 29th, if not before.

Thankyou for taking the time out to read this!

Much love,

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