Tuesday 30 September 2014

Too Many Rulers Spoil The...Whatever

The only difference between having and not having an exam the next day is that you can do random stuff during the latter and not feel guilty about it. My point (somehow) is that my exams are over!

Anyway, I'm supposed to be working for the MUN I'm attending in two weeks, so of course I'm watching How I Met Your Mother bloopers at the moment.

Also, also, ALSO, a few weeks ago, my blog crossed 4,100 views! If you're reading this, you're awesome. If you're not reading this..well..you're still awesome. But read too. It's fun(ish).

I was going to though my drafts yesterday, and I discovered an entire post I'd never gotten around to posting, so here is something I wrote about a month ago -

One Month Earlier

It is currently 6.05 am. I have a football match in an hour and twenty five minutes. I'm sitting here, looking down at my yellow and blue flowered shorts, wondering if I should pack an extra pair if these tear.

Good thinking.

I'll pack two extra pairs. Maybe three. Ooh, maybe those cute pink ones.

Thirteen hours and one football match later

I managed to not tear my shorts! Hurrah! Butterbeer all around! Also, we won the match! I thought I would drop dead halfway through the match, but I somehow (miraculously) managed to stay alive. I may never be able to move again though. (Funny story, we ended up winning all the matches!)

Anyway, I have my Chemistry test tomorrow, meaning of course I'm completely hyper and anxious right now, like I am before every damn test. Ah, Keeping Your Cool 101 not brought to you by Kapoorni. (This is the one in which I managed to get everything right except for one damn numerical, and I would've gotten that right too had KFH not traumatised me with his superpowers of flying spit mere hours before the test.)

The point (kind of) is this, that it made remember a story from my 10th grade Physics final.

It was a warm day in February. Wait, March? I'm not sure. In fact I think it was winter time, and it was a cold day. Okay, scratch that. It was a coldish day in February or maybe March. I was studying for my Physics final the next day, when I remembered that I did not have a ruler, which I would almost definitely be needing the next day (spoiler alert - I wouldn't). Anyway, I called up Izzy, and asked her if she would be kind enough to lend me a ruler perhaps? Izzy said that she did not have a ruler either, but she had a protractor, which is of course, not even nearly the same thing, but I substitute just about anything for a ruler, (my badge, a bookmark, my finger) so I said that it would do. Izzy promised to leave it out for me, and I could come collect it in the morning.

I have the remembering capacity of Dory from finding Nemo, (ie none) so being the lovable fool that I am, I called up Marshmallow too, and told her to bring an extra ruler for me in the bus, which she said she would.

Come the next morning, my mother went to fetch the protractor from Izzy's house, but returned instead with a set square. (What.) Beggar can't be choosers, so I told my mother that the set square would do. Besides, I had managed to fish out an old ruler and a protractor from my own bag.

Counting - A Test

How many rulers/substitutes did I have by now?

Two rulers, one was mine, one was Marshmallow's, a protractor (mine) and Izzy's setsquare 

Okay, you follow that? If you do, give yourself a pat on the back.

Anyway, the next morning, I was sitting in the bus, slightly bewildered by all my rulers/substitutes, trying to do some last minute revision, when our bus stopped suddenly a few feet away from the local market. One of the conductors got down and ran towards a stationary shop, from where I frequently got stuff. I looked at my watch and frowned. Some idiot kid had probably forgotten some stationary and we were being to made to suffer. Why can't students be more responsible?

 I shook my head and asked the driver what was wrong. He threw me a dirty look but before I could ask him what was wrong (we were the best of friends, he had once told me a very long story about some animal, or maybe his kid, I couldn't really understand but I nodded and smiled all the same, so such cold behaviour was  towards me was rare), the conductor came back, carrying with him a very long ruler and a normal sized ruler, both freshly bought. He stopped for breath and came and stood in front of me.

I look astonished. Surely, surely these were not for me? How did the conductor even know that I needed them? Had the ruler-goddess descended down to Earth? Had the conductor read my mind? Just as I was going to ask him whether he was a Legilimens, he explained to me that my mother had called the driver up this morning and explained my apparent ruler-less situation to him.

I hate it when she does this, she often forgets the social boundaries one has to maintain with one's school bus driver, and she often crosses it. I have often woken up from nightmares including her and driver having long conversations on the phone, but no one understands my pains.

So, anyway that is how I wound up with four rulers, a protractor, and one set square, out of which I used none.

The End.

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