Wednesday 2 July 2014

Best Game Ever

I'm facing a major crisis in life right this second. Apart from the fact that my right contact lens just did a backflip in my eye and it hurts like hell, my mother expects me to drink my milk without a straw. Really, wow. We're all adults here, let's get rational. I cannot drink it without a straw. Nobody understands me.

I'm a Science student. I've taken Physics, Chemistry, Maths, and Economics for higher studies in grade Eleven and Twelve (I'd previously taken Biology, and it had taken only one week for me to realize I will/can never ever ever ever ever like Bio again) even though I personally think I'm cut out for Arts. I mean I love Science. I do. My grandfather is a physicist. I'm supposed love Science. Runs in the family, etc. But there are times when this love is tested. Let me quote an example.

It was a wintry morning in January. Okay, no, I don't remember when this was. And it wasn't morning, it was midnight. Izzy was sleeping over at my house. The previous morning my mother had gifted to me one of those Do It Yourself - Easy Science Tricks for Kids! (ages 8-10). I had tried to build an electric circuit, but all in vain. The kit had all sorts of fascinating and science-y things like iron fillings, balloons (for the static electricity experiment), horseshoe magnets, wires, etc.

I showed it to Izzy, who confidently declared that she could easily perform any experiment. Long story short, she couldn't. She became too engrossed in the magnets and ended up playing with the horseshoe magnets. Next, she dropped all the iron fillings on my pillow. (I still maintain that they sometimes poke my neck in the night). We tried to make sense of the kit for hours and hours. I googled things like 'how to cut copper wire with hand' and God knows what else. We finally gave up.


We spotted the balloons.

Yellow and purple. Two, huge balloons. Calling out to us like a buffet at Taco Bell. This was our destiny. We blew up the balloons and had a gala time playing Hot Potato with it. But then we improvised. And invented the best game on Earth.

The rules of Chappal Badminton are sinple. What you need is a balloon, two slippers (chappal) and two people who have nothing better to do on a Saturday night. Anyway, the balloon functioned as our shuttlecock, and we held a slipper each, in place of rackets.

I'm not proud to say that we played this for many hours. Chappal Badminton can last for days, weeks, or months. I heard a tournament in Chicago lasted for five months. It only ends when the balloon bursts.

So that's how Izzy and I gifted to you the Best Game ever.

You're welcome, world.

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