Thursday, 26 June 2014

Dentist = ouchie

French manicures are the best. Period. No arguments.

Anyway I'm halfway through my Structure Of An Atom project file (i.e., I've written two pages, and on one of them I've only written the heading and my name) so I thought I'd take a little break.

My day was fun! I got up at two and read Chamber of Secrets for a while but then my mother was throwing me extremely dirty looks so I went and did something productive for around two minutes or so. It was different from my usual routine; I liked it.

I just came back from a walk with my best friend, let's call him Pizza. He's been telling me for a while now, to write about him, and I finally did. Pizza and I did age appropriate things, i.e., we played on the swings and slide set next to his house, for a time longer than I'd like to admit. Usual for all fifteen year olds. (I really really wanted to see-saw too, but he drew the line at that). I hate Pizza, he's so bloody thin. We weigh the same but he's magically thinner than me. We clicked a photo of our shadows (he refused to take a selfie) and I look like a man in it, whereas he looks like a fairy on a very healthy diet.

I think it's very insensitive of him and he should simply put on a few extra pounds for my sake. A friend in need is a friend indeed, etc.

But the point of this entire entry is, going to the dentist SUCKS. It's not the dentists' fault. Obviously, it's mine. I've actually had a lot of experience with dentists. I wore braces for two years, I've had two extractions, two root canal treatments, and uncountable cavities filled in.

I obviously do not learn from my mistakes because I was back at the dentist's clinic today, missing out on the last hour of my badminton time, to get two huge cavities filled in.

All I can say is, I'm so glad I dropped Biology. I'm sure if I had known what was going on inside my teeth the pain would have amplified.

God it hurt so bad. My dentist is very kind and she was trying to be as gentle as humanly possible but it felt like somebody was trying to saw a a very big hole into my tooth with a finely pointed drill. I kept whimpering and digging my nails into my hand. I finally decided to sing Everything has changed backwards in my head to distract myself. I had reached the chorus when the pain got particularly bad and I cried out.

I'm not proud to say that a tear might have slipped out.

But I reminded myself that I was a warrior. I had gotten my eyebrows done inspite of the fact that the lady doing it had cut my forehead. I could survive anything.

The good news is that I can have as much ice cream as I want.

You know what they say. All's well that ends well, specially with ice cream.