Wednesday 25 June 2014

Poker is hard

Desi Spiderman is the best song ever. Period.

I think everyone agrees with that. Go watch it if you haven't already.

For those of you keeping track (i.e., none) I had forgotten to blog about something serious on Sunday and instead wrote about hot boys. I know, I know. Hot boys are just as important. But I am still a forgetful buffoon. Oh, well. Let bygones be bygones.

My friends from Delhi came today, and I went to meet them with Izzy. Like all normal sixteen (okay, fifteen and a half) year olds, they decided to play Poker. Having never played it before, I was extremely bad at. Izzy kept saying things like I'm all in guys and my friends kept saying things like Raise and Okay, 10 chips now and throwing chips (the ones we were playing with, not Lays chips) into the center and I was so confused the entire time.

 Frankly speaking, the chips were so bright and colourful I got a bit distracted by them. Anyway at the start of every round I'd declare very confidently that I had the best cards and I was surely going to win, but wound up losing every time, even after I secretly googled how to be good at poker. I kept betting all my chips. In every round. Even when I had the worst cards.

In the end, I lost all my chips and my (horrible) friends wouldn't let me play any more. So I sat there eating chocolates and watching them play. And win.

Ah, life. How cruel you can be.

Also I'm really stressed out right now. Apart from the fact that I have two project files to make, a test to study for, and a notebook to, well, make, my phone is being really annoying. My nails are pretty long by now and whenever I try to type anything, my nails get in the way and all my efforts to type like a normal human being go to waste. So I have to type really carefully and really slowly, one letter at a time, and it usually takes me around 45 billion years to type one word. It's really annoying and time consuming. I have places to be, and people to see. And Chamber of Secrets to re-read. Time and tide wait for none, etc.

To put the cherry on top of all the awesomeness that is going on (i.e., sucking at poker, phone being annoying) I'm probably going to have (another!!) Root Canal Treatment! Yay! Self-five!

Ah, well. That didn't stop me from eating a Kit Kat ten seconds ago.

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