Saturday 14 June 2014

Starstruck - It's contagious

A very good evening to all you lovely people!
I have crossed 1,000 page views and I'm on cloud nine. Thankyou so much for reading about my amazingly strange life. Free hugs for all.

As you may know by now, I'm currently in Mumbai. Which is where all the celebrities live. Whom I want to bump into. Accidentally. On purpose. If you catch my drift.

Anyway, I have a lot going on in my life. Like I said, Bombay is basically where you can apparently spot superstars walking their dogs or like jogging with their bodyguards or something. Anyway we've been here for four days now, and the closest we've come to spotting a celebrity was when we stopped outside Shahrukh Khan's house and took pictures of it. I really wanted to climb over his wall or something but mumma reckoned that it was probably electrified. Plus I was wearing heels.

We did the next best thing. We decided to go sit in the Taj Coffeeshop, and nonchalantly sip our coffees and eat pehaps a biscuit or two, whilst dressed in our finest clothes, in case some celebrity happened to stop by.

We failed (miserably) today but we're going to repeat the process tomorrow. I will not rest until I meet Ranbir Kapoor or someone. And when I do, I will get a picture clicked with him. And maybe smell his hair. And I'm okay with Katrina Kaif punching me for it.

I heard about this one girl who stood outside RK's house on his birthday and sang Happy Birthday for him loudly which led to him inviting her inside. Maybe I could go sing Happy Father's Day To You for his father, and then he could invite me in for a tea and scones? I mean, come on, we're practically family what with being Kapoors and all. I'm sure we have some long lost common cousin. Not that I want him to be my big brother or something. Anyway he's 16 years elder to me, so whaever.

The other major crisis in my life is wheher or not I should get my hair cut. I want a pixie cut.

This is what a pixie cut looks like -

Tell me if I should get it. Comment below. ♥

*Note - Don't forget to read the Sunday post tomorrow. :)


  1. Hey..... lol,how desperatly u want to meet a star *Ranbir kaoor* ;)
    Being said that if u got a chance u meet upload a pic...#Sid ;)
